Female rejuvenation
Labiaplasty, also called aesthetic vaginal surgery, is a surgical procedure that reduces and/or reshapes the inner skin or labia minora, that covers the female clitoris and vaginal opening. In many cases the procedure is more than cosmetic; it truly improves a woman’s quality of life.
In some instances, women have large labia on one or both sides and can experience pain during intercourse or during daily activities. Riding a bicycle, horseback riding, wearing tight-fitting clothes, or bathing suits becomes painful or embarrassing. Labiaplasty can eliminate discomfort, restore confidence, and provide a more aesthetically pleasing labia.
Labiaplasty Candidates
Any woman who is unhappy with the appearance of her vagina may make an excellent candidate for labiaplasty. The ideal patient will be in good overall health, a nonsmoker, clearly understand the labiaplasty procedure and hold reasonable surgical expectations. It is also suggested that the patient is through the childbearing years to better ensure long-lasting results.
About the Procedure
This procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. A strong numbing cream is placed on the area so the numbing injections are barely felt or not felt at all. The edges of the labia minora to be excised are marked in a symmetric fashion on both labia. The incisions are placed on the medial, or inside, surfaces of the labia. The excess skin is excised and the remaining edge is oversewn with a suture. All sutures used are absorbable.
The procedure takes about one hour in the office. Some mild discomfort and swelling, which usually disappears completely after one to two weeks, may be felt after the procedure.
Aftercare & Recovery
Patients can expect the recovery after a labiaplasty to take approximately one to two weeks. Moderate discomfort may be experienced; pain medication will be provided to keep you comfortable during the healing process. Swelling, bruising, and redness are common and will resolve over the first few weeks.
Most patients are feeling well enough to return to work one to two days after their labiaplasty procedure. A normal routine can be resumed in just a few days, although strenuous activates and exercise will need to be postponed for two to four weeks. Sexual intercourse should wait for four to six weeks to allow for healing and a full restoration of sensation.
Each patient is unique; therefore, results of treatment may vary.
Request your consultation with one of our Plastic Surgeons in Sandy Springs or Hiram to learn more.