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Home » Plastic Surgery » Body » Arm Lift

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Many people are embarrassed by the drooping and sagging appearance of their upper arms. This condition, which also causes underarm skin rash and irritation, is a consequence of a number of factors including aging, heredity, and fluctuations in weight. We can deliver slimmer arms through an arm lift, also known as brachioplasty.

Arm Lift Candidates

  • An excess of skin and/or fat that hangs from your arms (flabby arms)
  • Self-conscious about the appearance of your arms
  • A non-smoker in good overall health
  • A modest amount of skin elasticity

About the Procedure

Arm lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 2 hours to complete. The surgery involves an incision on the inside or back of the arm between the elbow and armpit. Most patients also have liposuction to remove excess fat in the upper arms. The supporting tissue beneath the skin is tightened and reshaped with internal, dissolvable stitches, and the skin is smoothed over the newly contoured arm. While the scars are permanent, they often fade considerably over time depending on the patient’s skin type.

Aftercare & Recovery

Most patients can go home a few hours after the procedure. The incisions are dressed, and the arms are wrapped in compression garments to reduce swelling. There may be bruising, swelling, or mild discomfort for up to a week after the procedure. Patients can return to work and daily activities within 2 weeks but should avoid heavy lifting for several weeks after the surgery.

Each patient is unique; therefore, results of treatment may vary.

Request your consultation with one of our Plastic Surgeons in Sandy Springs or Hiram to learn more.