Atlanta’s Most Common Dermatology Conditions

Atlanta’s Most Common Dermatology Conditions

Dermatologists are experts at treating all kinds of skin conditions and teaching you how to care for your skin. They can also help you manage chronic conditions. If you are wondering if you could benefit from seeing a board-certified dermatologist, then look at Atlanta’s most common dermatology conditions. If you are dealing with any of these issues now or if you have regular flares ups or long-term conditions, then schedule an appointment today.


Acne is one of the most common skin disorders. Although it’s most often associated with teenagers, it can affect anyone at any age and can also be associated with other issues such as rosacea.


Most of the time, hives can clear up in a few weeks. However, chronic hives are defined as a case lasting more than six weeks or as a recurring problem over months or years. Hives can cause itchy, rash-like patches on your skin. Welts can vary in size and sometimes come and go over several days or weeks. Your dermatologist can help determine the cause of your hives and provide a treatment plan to alleviate the symptoms.

Hives are not generally considered a medical emergency but can be part of one. If you also experience dizziness, breathing trouble, or eye, lip, or tongue swelling, then call 911.


If your face often looks flushed with skin sensitivity and inflammation, then you might have rosacea. The condition usually flares up and then goes away when triggered by dietary changes, excess sun, and heat. Fortunately, a dermatologist can help you manage rosacea so that flare-ups are kept at a minimum.


Usually diagnosed in small children, eczema can last into adulthood. It presents as an itchy rash and can change the appearance of your skin over time. This chronic condition can be mild or severe, causing great discomfort and even interrupting sleep because of the severe itching.

Dry Skin

Dry skin isn’t usually a serious condition, but it can be itchy, uncomfortable, and keep us from looking our best. Your dermatologist can help you with chronic dry skin issues by providing education about treating long-term dry skin and, in some cases, prescribing treatment. You can also start by taking care of yourself at home. Keep showers short and not too hot. Always pat your skin dry with a soft towel instead of rubbing it. Finally, be sure to apply a non-fragranced moisturizer three or four times each day.


This itchy and sometimes painful-to-touch condition is caused by an autoimmune disease. Psoriasis is often mistaken for a simple cosmetic problem. Your dermatologist can help you with a variety of treatments for this uncomfortable condition including light therapy, oral medications, and topical creams.

Contact Dermatitis

This is usually an acute condition from touching something that causes welts, hives, or a rash. The causes of contact dermatitis vary, but the most frequent sources are poison ivy, nickel in earring posts, makeup, jewelry, and latex gloves. Although it’s not typically a serious condition, contact dermatitis can be extremely uncomfortable. Seeing your dermatologist can provide quick relief and help you keep from damaging your skin by scratching.


Melasma causes gray-brown patches to appear on the skin of the face. This is often referred to as the “mask of pregnancy” because it’s so common in pregnant women, although anyone can get melasma. When it occurs during pregnancy, it usually goes away after giving birth. However, if you don’t want to wait that long or your condition isn’t caused by pregnancy, a trip to the dermatologist is in order. From laser resurfacing to topical medications, your dermatologist has lots of treatment options.


Warts are caused by a virus that infects the skin. The virus enters through cuts or open sores in your skin and can be contagious and spread. A dermatologist can treat the unsightly growths with minimal harm to your skin.

Actinic Keratosis

These are scaly, rough patches on your skin from overexposure to the sun. They should always be treated and looked at by a dermatologist, who can correctly diagnose them and prescribe treatment. Actinic keratosis can be pre-cancerous.